This section aims at supporting the actors involved in the design, delivery and evaluation processes of work-based learning: teachers, trainers and tutors, in-company tutors.
The tools can be found and divided into three areas: glossary, library and an area dedicated to the professional development of teachers, trainers and tutors, which contains tutorials, videos and links to open-source learning platforms.
In this section you will find:
Popular 2.97 MB |
27/05/2020 11:11:04 |
REFRAME - Fonti sull Alternanza scuola-lavoro in Italia. Regolamentazione toolkit e vademecum per imprese e scuole (1).pdf
Popular 575.59 KB |
12/07/2020 07:33:15 | |
REFRAME - Library - Publications and resources on the WBL from European Institutions and Think Tanks.pdf
Popular 526.82 KB |
09/07/2020 10:45:31 |
REFRAME - WBL tools for practitioners. Best practices identified from selected EU funded projects.pdf
Popular 413.03 KB |
09/07/2020 10:49:44 | |
WBL Tools for practitioners and guidance for students and families_Summary.pdf
Popular 425.4 KB |
27/05/2020 12:05:59 |