REFRAME project

REFRAME aims at creating the “European Laboratory for Regional Work Based Learning” based on a platform  involving the main stakeholders in 4 countries (Italy, France, Netherlands, Catalonia). 

Taking the mechanical production chains as a benchmark, representing the backbone of the regional economies involved in the proposal, and the related training supply, the laboratory supports and promotes the collaboration VET- companies as regards the whole building process of co-design  wbl paths: - planning - implementation - monitoring - evaluation, according to skills needed and in line with the European transparency instruments (EQF, EQAVET, ECVET).

Considering the activity “Build effective cooperation structures between VET teachers and in-company trainers for delivery of WBL” REFRAME aims at introducing a structural change at regional level to develop high-quality WBL systems, involving long-term commitment by employers, Vet providers and policy makers through the European Laboratory based on the REFRAME platform.

As a final result, REFRAME network will play the role of Excellence Centre promoting WBL, able to provide information, training, support, training path suggestions, methodological guidance, networking and benchmarking facilities and quality assurance tools to companies, schools and VET providers that start or improve/extend their competencies in WBL in all economical sectors.


For teachers, trainers and tutors



For learners and families



Restricted area for schools, training providers and companies


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