
Generalitat de Catalunya – Departament d’Educació

Generalitat de Catalunya – Departament d’Ensenyament

The Departament d’Ensenyament (Regional Ministry of Education) is the administrative body of the Government of Catalonia in education matters and is responsible for: the proposal and implementation of general non-university educational policy, training and recruiting trainers, and the management of training centres. The Regional Ministry of Education of the Government of Catalonia, sets up training programmes for IVET students and supports training centres in close co-operation with local companies and professional associations.

The Regional Ministry of Education of the Government of Catalonia also has an on-going quality programme to help and support state funded VET providers in Catalonia to define, establish, implement and keep their own management system based on the values of quality.

The Work Based Learning (WBL/ Apprenticeship) system was introduced in Catalonia since its implementation in Spain in 2013. More than 200 training centres offer WBL/ apprenticeship courses in all sectors, around 7.800 apprentices have already graduated in WBL/ apprenticeship  in Catalonia and 2.900 companies are involved in the delivery of the training.

The Departament d’Ensenyament also coordinates the compulsory work placement of all the vocational students in the country. It holds the responsibility of all those work placements and international exchanges for the 400 Vocational Training Centres of the region. That means  approximately 50,000 students involved in work placements.

The Department d’Ensenyament promotes as well, mobility projects addressed to the training centres and has made possible that in the last 5 years over 2.500 students have been involved in trans-national experiences all over Europe, in programmes such POCTEFA, the Lifelong Learning Program and Erasmus+. The Departament d’Ensenyament has also been involved in a number of European projects in the field of ECVET experimentation (OPIR, RECOMFOR, etc.), and currently promotes the use of this system among the most mobility experienced schools in the region and in Europe. Also, a Decree to regulate study periods abroad, taking into account the ECVET principles, was also launched in 2014. All these major innovative pedagogic changes have fostered significantly mobility projects among vocational providers in the region.

Main role in REFRAME

The role of the Ministry of Education of the Catalan Government in the project will be mainly connected with the WP 3 Collaborative Design based on ECVET approach. They will contribute to the elaboration of the methodological framework, the  reviewing and Implementing the ECVET System at sectoral levels, the identification of the two qualifications/Job profiles CURRICOLA to be designed in term of Learning Outcomes in mechatronic and automation sector, the reviion of best practises and resources in the domain considered for work based learning and setting up Design Principles for Teachers, Tutors and Mentors European Training paths.


Miriam Milan

is responsible for the curricula design and organization of Mechatronics and mechanical Design in the General Direction for VET in the Ministry of Education of the Catalan Government.  She has also been a techer in Mechatronics in  a VET centre in Ripollet. She has a wide experience in the implementation of WBL (dual programmess) both in the training centre and now in the General Direction for VET.

She defines the LO together with the companies for WBL for this sector. She sets the guidelines for the VET centres to follow on the delivery of the training modules. She has participated in exchange projectes in dual systems with other regons in Spain. She has taken part in mobility projects in Germany to study the dual VET system in this country in the frame of Erasmus + initiative.

Maria Pascual


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