

20th and 21st May 2019


The fourth REFRAME partners meeting took place in two different venues located in Helmond and Eindhoven in May 20th-21st 2019.

It was attended by:

  • Confindustria Emilia-Romagna: Marina Castellano, Mariana Mea, Davide Catellani
  • Cis Scuola per la Gestione di impresa: Rossella Brindani, Monica Turrini
  • Jan Van Brabant College: Hans Vasse
  • Ense Generalitat de Catalunya: Lina Camprubi, Jordi Sanchez Bel, Vicent Pastor
  • FREREF: Liliane Esnault, Alex Joder, Julie Raouanne
  • Istituto Nobili: Fabrizio Solieri

The meeting focused on a series of brainstorming sessions which helped to look into and reassert the desired outcomes of the project and the definition of the strategies to reach them. More specifically, the brainstorming sessions focused on the methodology, the strategies to enhance work based learning (whether working at a national or international level), the final outcome of the project and the innovative aspects of the platform.

Subsequently, each partner presented the main results achieved in their respective work packages. More specifically:

  • CIS, Scuola per la gestione di impresa made a quick presentation of the platform.
  • Ense Generalitat de Catalunya presented the draft version of the tutorials (infographics n.5) created to make the process simpler and clearer.
  • Freref presented the piloting and validation activity of the REFRAME model up to 10/19 and the two-phase methodology for designing and conducting the pilot actions.
  • Confindustria Emilia-Romagna presented administrative and financial issues, among which the most important is the organization of a new international meeting in Barcelona in November 2019.
  • All partners discuss on two main topics concerning the management of the project’s social media accounts and past and future face-to-face dissemination activities.

Finally, the partners defined the future online and offline project meetings as well as the next steps to follow in order to deal efficiently with each phase of the project.

As the end of the project has been postponed, CIS suggested to add a meeting in November. During the Steering Committee the partners decided two dates:  next transnational meeting will be in Barcelona in November 12th -13th 2019 ad the final conference will be in Bologna in 28-29 January 2020.

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